HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! I hope you all had a very restful and safe weekend.
Our weekend was pretty low key. We did go on a quick road trip to Deming, NM to visit Coco Sue's Mom. On our way there we made several stops for the kids. And, we went thru Silver City, NM. Which I liked a lot. We ran into a blues festival there and hung out for a while.
Although, it's not officially summer for a few more weeks...the HEAT did arrive in Albuquerque. We were in the 90's here. So, we decided to get a little pool so J & S could cool off. They had a blast!
Even though it was super HOT, J was so cold when he got out, so he was warming up in the sun.
And here's Ms. S doing her latest trick. She thinks it's super fun to climb out of her hi-chair. Yea, until she falls...which I hope NEVER happens. I immediately take her out of there and she screams and cries and get so mad. Oh but she's so cute....
Here's J & S coloring. S thinks she is really coloring. With Pa's help, of course. J is getting good...staying in the lines more and making pictures for everyone. I think Dad has a whole wall of art work at his office. What a proud Daddy!
It was a good weekend. That extra day always helps. We spent time w/ our family and friends. What more can we ask for. On Monday, we went to a bbq w/ some friends. It was nice, they were so hospitable and there were lots of kids, so J &S had a blast! So, now it's back to reality...ooops, I mean LIVING THE DREAM! Have a good week.