Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love. ~Mildred B. Vermont
This is it...LIVING THE DREAM is officially over. My very last day of being at home with my kids. I will be LIVING THE REALITY as I return to the outside working world. I will be working at UNM Medical Group. Jake & Sophie will be staying with their Coco. I am really struggling with the idea of leaving my kids, after spending 24/7 with them for the past 2 years. When I think about it, I get choked up. But, I feel very lucky and blessed to have had this time with them, because I will never get it back. I know it's made a difference in their short lives and I will never be the same because of it. And, Thank you to Deon...for making the sacrifices to allow me to stay at home. You'll never know how deeply grateful I am. Not sure when or how often I will be blogging now...but please keep following us.
Sophie trying on Jake's boots...she could barely stand in them and fell on her booty |
Sophie, what's going on in the world? |
There are two lasting bequests we can give our children. One is roots. The other is wings. ~Hodding Carter, Jr.
Sophie was throwing a fit and decided to throw herself on the floor. Jake decided to join I had to take a picture |
My sweet sweet boy...I love you Papa |
We were in Old Town and Sophie decided to take a seat. |
A little alley way in Old Town...I just had to take a picture because it looked so pretty & quaint |
Serious Jake |
I said, let's take a picture in front of your JD puzzle on the wall to send to Melissa...and he had to hold this little picture of Alec that he keeps in his room. It was cute...he loves him some Alec. |
Jake LOVES John Deere Tractors |
This girl LOVES shoes...slippers in this case...she's saying, "SHOES". |
And here it is...the last day I will be taking Jake to school for awhile.... |
I know, once we all adjust it will be fine. I think next week will be the hardest. But, I am looking forward to going back to work, learning new things, meeting new people and bringing in a paycheck too. I thank God for letting me be so fortunate to find a job in this economy. So, here's to 2 special years at home with my was a good run...had some awesome days, stressful days, lazy days, but all in was the best. I love Jake & Sophie more than anything in this world and they have changed my life forever. I hope our time together will stay with them and they take me in their hearts wherever they may go. Ok, getting choked up. Until the next blog posting...Peace!
She never quite leaves her children at home, even when she doesn't take them along. ~Margaret Culkin Banning