We went to this new water park, actually it's more like a spray park. It was cute. You both had fun. Jake's buddy, Hunington invited us. This little boy in the green, covered the hole where the water shoots out, and Sophie was mad. You kept hitting his leg and grunting. Finally, his mother got the hint and told him to move. It's been in the 90's, so this place was nice and refreshing, perfect for cooling off in the summer heat.

SOPHIE'S 1st Haircut
Sophie you got your hair done girl. We just trimmed it all the way around, so hopefully it starts growing now. You were such a good girl, you didn't cry. You just grunted and made some crazy sounds, like get this cape off me. Like this picture below, you weren't crying, just letting us know you didn't like this. And you kept looking at Dad with this look on your face, like Dad, help me here. But with licorice in one hand and a lollipop in the other, you didn't complain too much. I love how your hair looks in the back, a little Bob cut...too cute! 

We went to a cousins surprise 40th birthday party. Here's Pa, Jake, Dad & Sophie hanging out. Look at Jake's cool hat and Ms. Sophie posing for the camera. Dad & I left early to go to see Cheech & Chong at Sandia Casino. It was fun! Those guys are still funny after all these years. We said they had to be in their mid 60's at least. We had a good time. 
One more shot of the hairdo! LOVE IT
Oh MY GOSHHH!! That is tooooooo freaking adorable! I LOOOOOOOVVVEEEEE her haircut! I swear your kids are just a photogenic as you are girl :) You are all gorgeous and then you take great pics too...gosh how I wish I could just squeeze her little cheeks and run through the water with Jake :) Love you guys sooooo much :)