Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...How I love your branches...I love that song!
Well, we plan, prepare, decorate, shop, wrap, cook, bake and rush, rush, rush to get it all done before Christmas. Well, this year...was a little different. We decided this year, to focus on the kids. And, the whole week leading up to Christmas I was sick with the stomach flu. So, we were basically at home, laying low trying to get well before the big day. We did not exchange gifts with our family and instead decided to just get Jake & Sophie gifts. Since, really...it's about the kids anyway. To experience Christmas through a child's eyes is one of the most amazing gifts God can give you. The excitement, the wonder, the innocence...all that is gone so quickly. For me, I began the holiday season a little sad because I knew I wouldn't be seeing my family in California (most importantly, my Mom & Dad). But, after I really thought about it...I realized that it's about my family right here; Deon, Jake & Sophie. We have to start our own traditions and instill things in our children that will be with them forever. So, that's just what we did. Christmas Eve we attended mass in Old Town. It was a beautiful scene down there. The streets were lined with luminarias, there was a live nativity in front of the church, carolers...I definitely felt the spirit of Christmas there. And, even though, the church was 'standing room only'...we all had a seat and as we listened to the Christmas stories, we were reminded of the true reason for this holiday...Jesus' birth. This is what I want my kids to grow up with...knowing that Christmas is about more than just presents and Santa and crazy shopping malls...it's about our faith in Jesus and our love for our family. I am so blessed...I can't even begin to explain...all I know is that I'm truly grateful for the love of my husband, the joy of my children, the support of my family & friends and most of all, Jesus Christ...who watches over us, continues to bless us and who renews my faith over and over again.

Sophie Lynn in her beautiful dress. |
Sophie & Dad checking out the luminarias |
Mom & Dad in old town |
They couldn't wait to open presents |
Sophie changed into her jammies...but she wanted to put her dress back on |
My little redneck. Sportin' his John Deere boots & Belt buckle.
Sophie got a purse with a compact & Lipstick...she LOVED it. |
Dad & Jake...playing rock em' sock em' |
Jake really liked this gift...a digger |
Santa really knows Jake...JOHN DEERE |
Such a girlie girl. Melissa sent her some leg warmers...and Sophie loved them. She had to walk on her tip-toes. |
Talking to Nana & Bob |
Melissa sent this really cool puzzle and the kids were amazed by it... |
Monkey See...Monkey Do
We had a wonderful Christmas. Thank you to Pa & Coco for all the wonderful gifts, for the delicious Christmas Eve dinner and all the love too. Now...let's ring in the New Year!
Amen sister! That's the true spirit of Christmas...Jesus! I love everything you wrote...we too, feel the exact same way. And, I think being a stay at home mom and living the dream...God's gift is consistently renewing our faith. What other job humbles you more than this?? I don't want to know...I am more than happy right here cleaning up after my kids, wiping their tears, laughing, playing and juggling it all. God first and look at all He showers us with :) How Blessed our we?? I thank Him for this amazing connection we have...this sisterhood...and how cute are your babies! I LOVE that S already has her 1st lipstick...just like mommy...smoooch! xoxo