You want some of this?!
Both of my kids have been a serious HANDFUL lately. Sophie, going thru the terrible two's and so so head strong on top of that. Jake, going thru this super defiant stage, testing and pushing his limits to the max. But, no matter what, no matter how tired we are, no matter how stressed we are...WE LOVE THESE KidS. Deon and I wouldn't change it for anything. The precious things they do outweigh everything. Sophie looks at you and says, "I love you" or gives you a hug or looks at you with this sweet look. It just melts you. Jake tells you a funny story about his day at work or about his friend, Joe. Or, he won't say anything and will just come up and snuggle with us. I mean, it always leads to, "Mom, rub my back or scratch it or rub my head or hold me". Whatever it is...we just have to remember that they are kids, they are normal and our lives would be pretty boring and worthless without them. We just have to be their examples. Set boundaries, create limits, discipline and make sure they grow up to be happy and healthy people. So, for now, we just continue to love them and enjoy the crazy, roller-coaster of a ride.

Amen sister! How beautifully and honestly said. I feel like I know exactly how you feel, pretty incredible hah? Love and miss you