Sunday, June 9, 2013

No pictures...just words

As I sit here on the computer late at night, while the rest of you sleep...I'm thinking about my life, my kids, my husband. Some days are like blur, just trying to get through it. Other days are so clear...I see my kids love for me so vividly and I feel so happy. Today was good...we went out to lunch together and started some much needed backyard landscaping. Even though it was HOT out, we did it together and it was actually, nice. We got a pool out back...because we finally realized we could not endure another crazy hot summer without one. Jake could swim in there all day if we let him. And, Sophie...she's scared of it...she says it's too deep. I'm getting tired of holding her the whole time we're in there...hopefully she'll get over it before summer's over. Here's the perfect opportunity to segway over to Sophie: 

My girl Sophie! She's beautiful...I mean your face is beautiful. Your personality is beautiful. You've got beautiful skin, hair, eyes, me, my daughter is perfect. Your spirit is so are so full of wonder and curiosity. You are so super smart and already no how to work it...with your little smile or your amazing eyes. You don't stop...all day, you're talking, or you're into something you shouldn't be or you need something. You refuse to wipe your own butt, so all day this is what I hear..."Mom, I'm going potty and I need to go poop, call you when I'm done?". You are my shadow, my sidekick, my cosigner, my friend and my biggest fan. You adore me and truly, I adore you. Somedays I get so irritated that you're always there...but I know that day will come (probably in your pre-teen or teenage years)when you don't want to be around me and I will be so sad. You are so inquisitive. The other day you asked, "how do babies get into your pansa?". We were reading a book and someone got a parking ticket and you said, "he was probably parked in a handicap spot". And the one that took me by surprise was, "Mom, are you old?" You also want to know what you used to do when you were a baby. Every night when I put you to bed that's what we talk about. You want to know if Jake held you or played with you. And, speaking of Jake...

My Jake! My gorgeous handsome son, Jake. You graduated from Kindergarten and did better than I could have ever expected. You are my more timid child. And, in some ways you are very outgoing and adventurous but I see you hold back sometimes. Not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing yet. Lately, when you and I are alone you tell me, "this is my favorite time Mom, when it's just me and you". That makes me happy. I love our time together too. But, I also love to see you and Dad spend time together. You love when Dad tells you stories about the Navy or when he explains things to you. Dad has an amazing way of explaining and teaching you things. You and Dad like to watch guy shows on TV together...Car shows, Nascar, Chicago Fire, Top Gear, etc. You both sit there watching and talking about it. It's cute. You have a huge appetite, all you do is eat. You have gotten so good at coloring and drawing, very creative. We are working on your reading too, which is getting better and better. I know you'll be ready for 1st grade! You're growing up right before my're not a baby anymore. You are such a big boy and I hope I don't ever let you down. You have such a great personality, a funny sense of humor, you are athletic and so smart! I want so much for you...but mostly to be happy. I love you more than you'll ever know. 

Life goes by so fast...I can't believe we have lived here in Arizona for almost a year and a half. I NEED to focus on all the good things in our lives. Since moving here, things haven't been easy...and I must admit, I was centered on all the things I didn't like about this place. In retrospect, that was very selfish. Instead, I should be concentrating on making my family happy. God knew exactly what he was doing when he led us here. 

My Husband: My wonderful, tireless, selfless, devoted, amazing, hardworking, determined husband. He's the kind of man that women dream about. He puts his family first, and I mean that...Your Dad would do anything for us. Yes, he's tired all the time...and he doesn't always have the energy or desire to play or go to the park...but he LOVES us. I feel for him everyday that he has to get up at 4:00am...and now that it's summer, I think about him all day and hope he's ok, drinking lots of water or staying out of the sun when he can. I worry about his health and I pray that God keeps him safe. Your Dad is one of a kind. We are so blessed. 

1 comment:

  1. Gulp....yes girl God will always prevail and look at how abundtful your Blessings are!! Your thankful heart will carry you thorough it all without missing his Love. Love how you enjoy your family so much!!
