Wednesday, January 19, 2011

LTD Baby...

LTD = LIVING THE DREAM...whenever I'm stressed and I complain about being home all day w/ my kids, Deon teases me and says, "LTD baby". But, it's days like this that make it all worth it....hanging out and being loved by Jake & Sophie.

Jake came to sit on my lap and Sophie got so jealous...she had to come over too. 

I have the most beautiful children! 

Out to lunch w/ Pa & Coco...Jake took a book with him (John Deere Tractors of course). So, he made Pa do a little reading. Jake & Sophie absolutely LOVE their Pa. When he's one else matters. 

Jake had to help Pa paint. He worked hard all afternoon/evening. When they were done he told Pa he owed him $10 bucks for helping. He got $2 and was happy. Sophie got $1 just for being cute.
Sophie got  into Coco's makeup and helped herself to some lipstick. She's such a girlie girl

She wanted to give Pa a kiss with all that lipstick on


  1. Simply=Adorable! How precious, how precious!! And those cheeks on Sophie I want to reach in and squeeze them!! Jake is soo handsome and so big!! love you girl :)

  2. LTD is right!!! boy have i had quiet the day!! LTD baby...LTD! dried, old smeared poop in his indoor tent(how i didn't notice it sooner God help me), dumped milk on the coffee table, B teething a k-9 tooth= crying and lots of fussing! LTD....LTD! xoxo
