Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Party girl

Miss Sophie had quite the birthday celebration. We took a last minute trip to California. Sophie's ninos threw her a little pizza party. We had fun! Then we had the big party at Nana & Grandpa Bob's and then on her actual birthday we continued the celebration. 3 years old! The girl is beautiful, full of attitude, a big personality, smart, loving and fiesty too. Hmmm, where does she get that? 

My gorgeous girl
Jake went to the golf course with Grandpa Bob to practice his game
Nina got Sophie a new guitar...Thank you Nina ;) 

It came with cool rock star glasses and a microphone...I think I like playing with that thing even more than Sophie.  
Love this one...My osobear, Alec (now 18 years old) with my kiddos

Sophie's beautiful Dora cake...she was so proud

Happy Birthday! 

Cousins and Friends (left to right) Bella, Clarriza, Ariana, Jake, Aris, Sophie, Bella, Juniper and Maya. Jake said he was the only boy. I told him that was a good thing to be surrounded by the ladies. There were boys there too, they were just too cool to pose for my picture. 
Me and my girl, Clara and our baby girls. 
Build a Bear! 
Sophie named her bear, Princess Isa (after Isa the Iguana from Dora)

Playground fun! 
Until Sophie bit a kid, then we had to go home...
Dad brought Sophie a princess cake
Make a wish
Sophie's first bike! 
Jake had to get something too...John Deere of course
Happy 3rd Birthday to my gorgeous girl, Sophie.
May God Bless you and keep you, Always! 
We love you! 

Monday, March 19, 2012


My friend, Suzi was in town visiting. And, she happened to be staying at this really nice resort in town. It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day. So, we got to hang out poolside with her and the kids. It was great to see them. Thank you to Suzi for making time for us and inviting us to hang out at the pool. We had fun! 

Jake making his rounds...

Bathing beauty

Jake & Sophie, and Gemma on the side there, sitting on her Mama's lap

Jake, Jasper & Sophie

Kid stuff...

Slowly getting to know our surroundings...and found a restaurant called, Jake's. So we stopped in for a bite to eat. Jake said it was his restaurant and was very proud, so you know us...we had to take a picture. 

Jake's restaurant

Acting silly for the camera

Quick visit back to Albuquerque for the rest of our stuff...Jake & Sophie got bunk beds. So, when they visit Coco & Pa they have a place to sleep.