Saturday, December 28, 2013

On the Polar Express...

What a way to spend Christmas Eve…we'll never forget it, that's for sure. We rode the Polar Express to the North Pole, got to see Santa (and hug him too). We got hot cocoa, cookies, a bell and special treats. It was quite an experience. 

Super excited to get on the train

The Polar Express! 

So much fun

All aboard! 

Got our seats! 

On the Polar Express

Singing Christmas songs

Sophie dancing and singing in the aisle

So awesome! 

We had a very good Christmas. Santa definitely made a stop at our house. Pa & Coco came to visit and share the day with us. Happy Birthday to Jesus. Now, to ring in the new year…

Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas Fun!

WE ARE DEFINITELY IN THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT! Counting down the days, watching almost every single Christmas special and cartoons that come on, baking and anxiously awaiting Santa's visit. God is good…we are all together, healthy, happy and couldn't ask for anything more. 
This was our creation of an Ugly Christmas sweater…Jake wore it to school 
Sophie made some yummy cupcakes for her class Christmas party
The girl is ready to party
Class program…they sang songs, and did the cutest things...
Sophie was so proud to have her Big Bro at school with her
Handsome Big Brother
Sophie loves our tree too! 
Silly girl…carrying on a conversation on her cucumber phone
Baking time

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas spirit up in here…

We love doing Crafts, esp. for Christmas
Dad spent the whole day putting up our lights! So perdy 
Hey Santa

Showing off the christmas decorations on the orange tree
Oh Christmas Tree…you smell so wonderful
Crazy for Christmas
Jake and Teddy Mascote (that's the last name that Jake made up for Ted)
Was trying to get a perfect picture of their profiles…but this is the best we got

Monday, December 2, 2013

J & S

Jake's school had a 'Back to the future' day. Each classroom had a different theme. Jake's class was Egypt. They had a parade and even did a dance to the song, "Walk like an Egyptian". It was very cute. 

My handsome little Egyptian

We got to go through all the classrooms…here's Sophie visiting the Saloon
Now she's in jail…oh great
Gold for sale?
Is this a bowl or a hat? Hmmm?
Hanging at the park with our friend, Cameron


The kids and I decided to make a Thanksgiving table cover
Quality time…Sophie on the Kindle and Jake on the iPad
Building the gingerbread house with Pa

Playing outside, working off some of that turkey...
Sophie found this huge bear at the store and wanted a picture with it…she's too much
oooh scary...
Enjoying our new fire pit 
Making some biscochitos with Coco

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Nana & Bob came to watch Jake & Sophie play soccer! 
Quality time
Playing in the dirt…how cute
Candy Land championship with Bob

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Trick or Treat, Smell my feet...

Sophie's pumpkin (w/ a unibrow)
Jake & Dad's creation
Scary Daddy
Getting ready to go out
Sophie and the Super twins
It was Sophie's lucky night...she got a chauffeur 
Cameron, Jake, Sophie, Ethan and Blake