Friday, July 27, 2012

Sophie starts Preschool

Sophie started Preschool! My little girl leaves me 2 days a week to attend preschool. She did great her first day. There were other kids crying and clinging onto their mom's and dad's...and I thought that might make her sad too. But, nope...not Sophie...she was fine. Gave me a kiss and waved goodbye. I got in the car and as I drove away I could see the line of kids walking into the building...I cried seeing Sophie on her own for the first time. She's going to be a star! She already is in my mind. We love her adorable personality, her vivid imagination and the fact that she's so loving and caring. 

1st day of Preschool! 

Getting ready to go...

Lining up with the rest of the class

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Jake starts Kindergarten

Jake is officially a kindergartner! It was a big day for all of us. We are so proud him. He is attending Cambridge Academy, a charter school. We are very excited to see him learn and grow this year. He was so ready. Sophie and I dropped him off at his classroom, equipped with all of his supplies. Sophie cried when we left him...she wanted to stay. She had already found some paper, crayons and scissors. They had a boo-hoo breakfast for the Mom's.  As soon as we left, I cried all the way home and had a heavy heart all day. It was emotional knowing that my baby boy will be in school full time from here on out and is growing up so fast. I know he's going to be amazing though. He's such a kind person, always willing to help, super smart and a leader! We look forward to all our new experiences this year. 

Sophie loves her big brother so much

The big Kindergartner! 

All ready to go...
When I picked Jake up from his first day of school he was so happy. He told me he had already made friends and named three boys. He told me what the schedule was like. How the other kids were. That he didn't have time to eat all of his lunch and he was hungry. Jake usually eats twice in the morning, lunch and snacks throughout the day, he has a big appetite.  I hope Jake always has such a positive attitude toward school. I thank God that Jake is such a good boy. We are very blessed.