Sunday, May 4, 2014

Fun Run

Jake's 2nd Apex Fun Run! 

On your mark, get set...

Sophie always there for her "big bro"

Coming around the turn

Run Jake Run! 

Dad got involved too, at the water station

38 laps!!! 

We love Mrs. Bach, Jakes Kindergarten teacher 

Jake & friends

Easter in Cali

Since Mom's going back to work soon, we decided to take a last minute trip to California. It was Easter and we packed it up and headed out for a long weekend. We got to see a lot of our family, lots of play time with cousins and quality time with Grandpa Bob & Nana Pat. Feeling very blessed this Easter weekend! 

Stopped at the Spaghetti Factory for lunch, had lunch in the trolley
Sleepover with their favorite cousin, Maya
Bob's getting good on pancake design
Love my Mom
Easter egg hunt! 
Sophie gave Bob a makeover, thanks for playing Grandpa...Lookin' good! 
Went to visit GG 
Bike ride at the beach

The kids decided they could live at the beach

So much fun...UNTIL Sophie decided she didn't like sand everywhere

My handsome Beach bum
We 'heart' the beach
Family time at the beach